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 unique and beautiful property on the Northern NSW coast at the edge of the Solitary Islands Marine park. 

A Private Wellness Spa and all inclusive holiday destination. 

Available for the community and beyond. 

when not rented as a holiday luxury rental or being used by the Film studio

Tranquilo will 

Specialise  in the ancient healing arts of Ayurveda, the Vedic wisdom and way of life  restores us to our true nature of balanced health The perfect combination for  those who are looking for rest, relax and restore.

The key for long-lasting good health and maximum wellbeing lies in a customised therapy programme for stress reduction, detoxification of the inner organs and a balanced diet, all of which is available at


  • Significantly increased well-being, 

  • a more robust immune system, 

  • better mental and physical performance are achieved.

  • Losing weight is not the goal – it just happens!

A combination of the best of Eastern practices with integrative programs combining the most advanced evidence-based protocols and therapies.

utilise the best of functional medicine and evidence-based natural therapy solutions.

we  tailor solutions for the individual. Providing clients with extensive genetic, DNA and pathological testing and diagnostic assessment to ensure that we have all the facts before prescribing a course of action

connecting valuable knowledge about natural remedies with most modern medical diagnosis and treatment and thereby combining the latest knowledge from nutritional research as well as studies on body decontamination and detox. .

Our goal is not only to prevent or reverse premature aging after diagnosing its causes, but also to stimulate and recreate the natural processes and metabolic systems. The anti-aging therapies of  are oriented to allow the enjoyment of life with health and vitality, regardless of the stage in which we are in.


How to live more and better

A journey of ten thousand kilometers begins with a single step Our goal is to ensure that you maintain indefinitely the state of health you achieve at Tranquilo Beach House . For this we have created a selection of conferences, healthy cooking classes, relaxation, meditation, yoga, breathing, mindfulness session and other group activities that will provide you with the tools and knowledge to enjoy optimum physical, mental and Long-term.

At Tranquilo we offer you the most effective natural therapies that aim to enhance the healing power of our body, providing the tools and knowledge necessary to transform us into managers of our own health.


“Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food” Hippocrates. At tranquilo, Nutrition is a healthy, natural, energetic and balanced nutrition inspired by auyervedic principles, adapted to modern life, with a flexible, practical and attractive approach, respecting what nature offers at every moment of the year and in each place, personalizing it depending on the needs of each person.


Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, pilates, tai chi, stress management and coaching are some of the therapies that allow you to achieve a perfect inner balance to enjoy good emotional health, which directly affects the general well-being of the human being.

At Tranquilo  it is possible to delay the signs of aging by providing a healthy, youthful and natural shine to our skin, improving not only the physical aspect, but also the confidence in ourselves. All the methods used share the philosophy of : minimally invasive with excellent results, allowing the client  an immediate return to the daily routine. In addition to manual techniques,  Tranquilo  uses the most modern, innovative and effective latest generation of devices for body, facial and capillary treatments.


We must cultivate the vigor of the body, to conserve the spirit” Luc de Clapiers. Physical activity is essential for the maintenance and improvement of health as it contributes to prolonging life and improving its quality.

At Tranquilo  we will  assembled an outstanding human team composed of professionals specialized in physiotherapy, osteopathy and personal training, with whom you can perform trainings according to your needs.


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